I went with my family to go cut Christmas trees. I wasn't planning on getting one just for myself but they had some pre-cut ones they wanted to get rid of. I got this beauty for $10!
While I was out of town this weekend, I got a call from my dad telling me I had a frozen pipe that burst. Luckily my neighbor saw the stream of water shooting 20 ft into my yard and shut of my water. My dad stopped by my house to pick something up and saw their note. Even luckier is that I have such an awesome dad that he fixed it even before I made it home.
The burst pipe.
It was for the sprinkler system that is broken anyway. It should have been buried much deeper than this!
Yay, I'm glad you've started blogging more regularly again. I love to see what you're up to and the progress that you're making on your house. I keep thinking that we need to have every one over to hang out and then I never get around to inviting anyone over. Maybe I'll get around to that soon...