I picked up a new interest lately. 3 weeks ago I bought a guitar. It's an Ibanez acoustic electric guitar. I've been playing almost every day and really enjoying it. I've been thinking about learning to play guitar for a while but a new friendship I made recently has made learning much easier. My friend Aundria plays guitar and writes music. She is amazingly talented and is a great teacher. I can already play one of the songs she wrote and I can kind of play a few others.
She came to the guitar store with me and helped me decide which guitar to buy. It's been a lot of fun!

I am also trying to sell a car. If anyone is interested in a new car, let me know. I have a 2009 Mazda3 i Touring I need to sell. Email me if you want more info or you can probably find it posted on Craigslist in Portland.

we gotta jam sometime. Give me a call.